Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Icing on the cake

Wake up extra early today to put icing on the cake. Nobody ordered any cake, just that I’ve promised hubby a few days ago that I’ll bake him a cake for him to bring to the office.

No fancy decoration, just plain cream cheese icing. Should be ok just for them to makan-makan selepas breakfast nasi lemak di Krishna. When I’m done however, I notice that the cake is too plain. Then I teringat Whimsy and her life size doll, I have something similar but smaller ..Nah …Whimsy, what do you think?

Or would you prefer this? Which also remind me that I have not done any shopping for Christmas present. Aiya….

Our GM is on the way to the airport now; he is off to somewhere for a looooooong break with his family. I wish him safe journey, selamat bergumbira.

Doesn’t mean that the rats are free though.. the CEO will be coming in anytime now. Ooops… which also mean that I have to sign out now, nanti teropot pula blogging during office hours.

Have a nice day everyone. Will visit your blog later today.


momoi said...

Terampit juga kmi... emmmm.... sedapppppppp btl oo nes.... rajin2 kc bwa azmi kek k....hehehe

whimsical said...

heheheheheh anies, very very cute the dolls. sgt tak menakutkan.hehehhehe.untung betul ur husband ni.Isteri mithali u

Shabbymom said...

yaaaa....sangat cute the dolls!!!!...kek lubak kah tu anies?...misti sadap tu kan....

CathJ said...

Nice lah you cake my fren.. : )

Anonymous said...

Woiii...blogging during office hours kah? hahaha kadapatan. Punya siokkkkkk!!!. Bah ada peluang gasak lah kan.

Anonymous said...

mmm pandai juga ambil kesemptan blogging from the office.. like me lah.. hehehe..but if bz..cannot lah.. hilang concentration in the office.. susah mo blog from home.. ada saja .. mengacau..

Anonymous said...

Momoi - haha.. pandai lah. Mana sudah tu Muffin coklat tu? Janji mau bawa p office, teda pun??

Whimsy - iya, sedang berusaha mau jadi isteri mithali. hehe..

Shabbymom - mmm.. kek lubak lah itu.

Anonymous said...

Cath - saya malas ba mau decorate tu kek, so I just put the dolls di atas. Have to learn from you how to make the figurine ni.

Luth & Shirley - haha... sekali-sekala ada peluang tu, gasak eh. LOL